The long-awaited festival is upon us! Read about the preliminary “Festival of Fire” (that’s my name for it) here: Chienbäse. And then the real party began: Fasnacht!.
I hope that you find them amusing and enlightening!
I really have no idea where the Alps officially “start” around here, but based on the mountains I could see beyond the mountains I saw, I’m know that there’s more out there! Dan and I took a day to see what was waiting for us now that we were ready to get out of the house. It was good enough to want to go back, and we barely even scratched the surface!
Dan and I got out over the weekend and saw some cool stuff. I have made two new pages, one for Pre-Fasnacht and another one for a hike we took in France to a castle on a hill.
In addition, I’ve been continuing to re-work the layout of the Swiss part of the website, adding more/different drop down menus. So far, the “Other” category is the only one to see any change.
I felt like I’ve been neglecting the website, even though I didn’t feel like I had all that much to contribute. So here’s a smattering of thoughts of images from the past couple of weeks.
I’ve dedicated a section of my website where I can babble on about the sights and sounds of my new country. If you’re interested, you can find them all listed under “Other Stuff”
Our impending move to Switzerland is fast upon us! Fortunately for us, part of the move included a service to come and put all of our stuff into boxes and move it for us. I’m getting spoiled and will probably just have a garage sale if I ever have to pack my own stuff for a move.
Here’s my little documentation of the packers’ time in our house: Baby, We Were Born To Run
While I don’t have a motorcycle these days to help me make fun additions to this site, I still manage to travel around a bit and see some cool stuff. This time I went to Seattle to visit some old friends and show a new friend from New Jersey why this is the city I love.
Dan and I got back from our trip to Switzerland and made the decision that yes, we could indeed get along living with the Swiss. But we came home with news that importing our BMWs into the country would be “prohibitive”. Therefore the last remaining motorcycles in the garage have got to go. Here’s to the start of an amazing adventure!
I realize that I’ve been posting up way too much gibberish here and not nearly enough riding. The fact that I haven’t been riding at all plays a huge part in this, of course, so I tried to do something about that last Sunday.
It’s the end of the world – or at least an era. I’ve owned a VW Bug for most of my post-high school life, but an upcoming move overseas means that it is time to “let go”. I put together a page to commemorate my ’71 Bug. It’s a great car and it’s been fun, but damn I’m going to miss this car.