Dan, Bob and I hopped on the motorcycles for a three day trip to the Mediterranean. It was a lot of riding, but the good far outweighed the bad. There are a lot of pictures, so I’ll be posting it up in parts.
Category: Europe
Passwang II
I took a couple of hours to check out Passwang Pass – again – and the pass I’d been told about on the other side of the ridge. It was another beautiful day in Switzerland and the green hills made for an excellent backdrop to some excellent roads.
A Black Forest Jaunt
I snuck in a few hours in the Black Forest last week and am just now posting about it. It wasn’t too much – just a ride through some nice quiet roads on a lovely day. I ended up riding to Titisee (DE) but it was much too crowded with summer vacationers for my liking. At least “my liking” while wearing riding gear and walking around in the hot sun.
The Tour de France…
…motorcycle style!!!
Dan and I, and our friend Bob, decided that we should see more of the Alps. We took the weekend to visit the Jura Mountains and a bit of the French Alps. The weather was just about perfect, although the heat was a little much at times.
Border Run! On the line between France and Switzerland
I took the day to explore the area south of Basel, down along the Swiss/French border. It was even more pleasant than I expected! I took a LOT of photos because I just couldn’t get over how every single road was so picturesque and entertaining. To go for a six hour ride and never once get bored really is something to crow about!
Five Passes – again!
The same old roads, with the same old weather, but this time with Dan! And Bob! What a great day with some great people. There are a lot of pictures, so please give it a moment to load completely!

Five Passes of Fun
Finally! An honest-to-goodness Swiss ride! Unfortunately Dan couldn’t go with me, but I tried to take a lot of pictures so that he didn’t feel left out. And besides, now I know where to take him the next time we want to head out for a day ride.
Ridin’ Fool
Yes, I got out for another ride! This one was even better because Dan went with me! We took the bikes south to the Emmental region and then parked them while we went hiking.
A long day ride
I was promised rain, a welcome relief to the very hot weather we’ve been having. I decided that the best way to celebrate was to head out for a ride on the Honda.
Day Rides from Basel
Some of the rides I’ve been taking don’t really justify an entire entry here, but I’d still like to share the experience and the few photos I have. So I’ll just keep adding stories to this page, new stuff at the top so that you can easily find it. Sound good? I think so!