Slowly, ever so slowly, I am getting our two-week motorcycle trip through ten countries (eleven if I count my own!). So far I am up to Day 4, with more pages to come with the coming weeks. I promise!
Category: Outdoors
Interesting Innsbruck – an Easter Experience
At long last: I have finally put together the trip that Dan and I took to Innsbruck over the Easter holiday.
Jungfrau Marathon
A quick overview of Dan’s “quick run” in the Jungfrau Marathon
Putting the “fun” in “funicular”
Join me as Dan and I take my cousins on the world’s steepest funicular, and then cross over one of the most scenic panoramic ridge hikes in the Switzerland (and possibly the world!)
Fall Hiking in the Alps
Well, at least near the Alps… We didn’t see many snow-covered peaks, even though it was the middle of October. Enjoy!
Sick of Spain? How about a hike?
I have been doing “other things” since the trip to Spain (which is part of the reason I am so far behind). I managed to finish this page and thought I’d toss it up here, just to shake things up a bit. There are a lot of pictures, which are nicer than the story, so feel free to just scroll your way through!
Arosa Run/Walk
I am way behind in posting this, but last month Dan and I went to Graubünden, a canton on the other side of the country, to see some snow and mountains. Not that we had to cross the country to see snow and mountains. But we were here for a race!

Hiking at Giw (Visp)
Slowly I am catching up on my postings! Two weeks ago Dan and I took a hike in the Alps in probably the best weather possible. Fantastic views and colors blessed us for the entire day. Come along for the hike – without even raising your pulse 🙂

Walensee in the Autumn
Now that I have finished the post for Bangkok/Bhutan, I can focus on a couple of things I’ve done since my return to Switzerland. Below is a day ride to the Walensee area, the mountains just southeast of Zürich – and really close to Lichtenstein.

Beautiful Bhutan
I am finally getting this adventure down in ones and zeros! I caught a nasty cold on the flight home, so I haven’t been up to doing much at all lately. However, I am now feeling better (not 100%, but getting there) and the words are slowly filling the page.
The first page is not, however, about Bhutan. Before getting there we had to go through Bangkok. I tried to paint it in a good light but I just couldn’t do it. To those of you who love this city, I apologize. To everyone else, I present to you: my own view of Bangkok.