Yes, I got out for another ride! This one was even better because Dan went with me! We took the bikes south to the Emmental region and then parked them while we went hiking.
Category: Outdoors
Easter weekend wanderings
Dan and I took advantage of the long weekend and did some local exploring. It felt good to get out and enjoy the fresh air!
A trip into the mountains
I really have no idea where the Alps officially “start” around here, but based on the mountains I could see beyond the mountains I saw, I’m know that there’s more out there! Dan and I took a day to see what was waiting for us now that we were ready to get out of the house. It was good enough to want to go back, and we barely even scratched the surface!
Dan and I got out over the weekend and saw some cool stuff. I have made two new pages, one for Pre-Fasnacht and another one for a hike we took in France to a castle on a hill.
In addition, I’ve been continuing to re-work the layout of the Swiss part of the website, adding more/different drop down menus. So far, the “Other” category is the only one to see any change.