At long last: I have finally put together the trip that Dan and I took to Innsbruck over the Easter holiday.
Category: Europe
Historic Southern Italy
Dan and I had some holiday time, so I bought us a couple of tickets to Italy. Join me as we explore the ruins of Pompeii and the narrow streets of Napoli
Andalusia has been completed!
Dan and I took a short trip to southern Spain last month to meet up with friends and get in some sunshine. Follow this link for nine days of fun and food in the sun!
I am done with Spain!
Or at least the report of our trip last May. Wow – such procrastination is almost unheard of. I am a little embarrassed. But now the entire trip is posted. Here is link to from where I left off on my last post, but you can start anywhere you like 🙂 Enjoy!
Spain – Day 6, 7 & 8!
I am more than half way done!! I have updated the links so you can navigate around the pages more easily. Enjoy!
Spain – Day 5
Slowly but surely, I will finish this report!
Day 5 has been posted. And some day I’ll figure out how to post a link directly to the page, and not have the intermediary click. Let me know if you have a solution please 🙂
Spain – continued
I have been plodding along not-so-steadily on the Spanish trip. Days 2, 3 & 4 are now ready for your Monday distraction.
I’m still here!
It has been a long time – too long – since I had anything to add to my site. Remember that sore thumb from my birthday ride last February? It turned out I had completely torn the ligament on my thumb! Surgery was required, as well as a very long healing process. To be honest, it still isn’t one hundred percent, but it is getting there! All of that recovery time meant that I didn’t have the ability to do much else so I guess you could say that life was pretty quiet up until last month.
And now I have something to post! Dan and I took a two week trip to Spain! It has taken me a while to get around to writing it up, as we have a new garden and the weather has been excellent for it. Yes, I have been distracted by plants. And it has been either too hot or too rainy to get any good riding in, but I hope to fix that soon, too.
Now I invite you to join me for this adventure – but be warned: only the first day has been posted 🙂

Edinburgh, Scotland
Dan and I had a random weekend away from Basel, which coincidentally coincided with US Thanksgiving. It was our first trip to a Scottish city and it really lived up to our expectations.

France: Castles and Wine
A family trip (by car!) to the Alsace region to enjoy some sightseeing and wine tasting.