After some intense focusing (finally), the retelling of this trip is complete. Here is a link, starting at Day 1. Enjoy!
Tag: Hiking
Riding to Romania
Slowly, ever so slowly, I am getting our two-week motorcycle trip through ten countries (eleven if I count my own!). So far I am up to Day 4, with more pages to come with the coming weeks. I promise!
Fall Hiking in the Alps
Well, at least near the Alps… We didn’t see many snow-covered peaks, even though it was the middle of October. Enjoy!
I am done with Spain!
Or at least the report of our trip last May. Wow – such procrastination is almost unheard of. I am a little embarrassed. But now the entire trip is posted. Here is link to from where I left off on my last post, but you can start anywhere you like 🙂 Enjoy!
Sick of Spain? How about a hike?
I have been doing “other things” since the trip to Spain (which is part of the reason I am so far behind). I managed to finish this page and thought I’d toss it up here, just to shake things up a bit. There are a lot of pictures, which are nicer than the story, so feel free to just scroll your way through!
Spain – Day 6, 7 & 8!
I am more than half way done!! I have updated the links so you can navigate around the pages more easily. Enjoy!
Spain – Day 5
Slowly but surely, I will finish this report!
Day 5 has been posted. And some day I’ll figure out how to post a link directly to the page, and not have the intermediary click. Let me know if you have a solution please 🙂
Spain – continued
I have been plodding along not-so-steadily on the Spanish trip. Days 2, 3 & 4 are now ready for your Monday distraction.
Arosa Run/Walk
I am way behind in posting this, but last month Dan and I went to Graubünden, a canton on the other side of the country, to see some snow and mountains. Not that we had to cross the country to see snow and mountains. But we were here for a race!

Hiking at Giw (Visp)
Slowly I am catching up on my postings! Two weeks ago Dan and I took a hike in the Alps in probably the best weather possible. Fantastic views and colors blessed us for the entire day. Come along for the hike – without even raising your pulse 🙂