Dan and I had a random weekend away from Basel, which coincidentally coincided with US Thanksgiving. It was our first trip to a Scottish city and it really lived up to our expectations.

Dan and I had a random weekend away from Basel, which coincidentally coincided with US Thanksgiving. It was our first trip to a Scottish city and it really lived up to our expectations.
I feel so silly!! I have no idea where the second half of my 2004/05 Mexico trip went, or how long it has been gone, but it disappeared somehow. I did a little re-working and it is back!
Since I don’t know how long it has been AWOL, I have no idea who may have missed it. If you DID notice that it wasn’t there, then next time please let me know!!
And now, if you’ve been looking for my ride home from Oaxaca, here it is!
And if you missed the story entirely, here is Part 1
Dan and I took the train to Heidelberg for a couple of days. The weather was horrible but the company of our friends more than made up for it. Also, I’ll never leave “the good camera” home again!
Easter weekend in Bavaria! The weather was typical spring alpine weather, meaning it was cold and damp. But somehow, someway, we managed to enjoy ourselves.
Dan and I took a winter trip to Austria to see what sort of trouble we could get into.
Sharing a bit of Christmas cheer, European style!
Dan and I got out over the weekend and saw some cool stuff. I have made two new pages, one for Pre-Fasnacht and another one for a hike we took in France to a castle on a hill.
In addition, I’ve been continuing to re-work the layout of the Swiss part of the website, adding more/different drop down menus. So far, the “Other” category is the only one to see any change.