Riding to Biberach (DE)

October 5-6, 2013

Map Link

A friend of Dan’s recently moved to Germany and we had been meaning to go and visit her. Before we could get around to inviting ourselves over, Rebekah invited us! She is Canadian and decided to have an early Canadian Thanksgiving, inviting us and another Canadian friend that lives nearby. Dan and I took this opportunity to take the bikes out for a little spin. Unfortunately for us, the weather forecast called for two days of rain. But hey, we have good rain gear and it would only be 3 1/2 hours each way!

Since we didn’t have far to go and it was the weekend, after all, we didn’t leave until after noon. Much to my surprise, the sun was poking out through some of the clouds and the day looked like it might have some promise. I had a general route planned but nothing we had to commit to. In fact, I’m not positive which roads we were on for most of the weekend.

Not a lot happened on the ride but I was so tickled not to be riding through a bucket of rain I took a lot of pictures. It might be the last real ride of the season so I had to savor it!

Germany: doesn’t look like rain to me!

Wet roads and the occasional leaf.

Southern Germany

There’s still a chance we could get wet

The Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt nuclear plant

In the town of Emmingen we came across a strange sculpture and stopped to check it out. I don’t recognize any of the faces on it, but it sure was fun to look at.

Dan for scale

We found our hotel in the town of Biberach despite the detours and bad GPS assistance and unloaded the bikes. We walked to Rebekah’s house and spent the evening there eating wonderful food and enjoying great company.

The next morning we packed up the bikes under the threat of dark skies and blustery winds and headed home. Fortunately for us, the threat didn’t follow us far and we we able to enjoy some different roads on the way home.

Entering the Black Forest

Getting close to Neustadt

As we left the shores of Titisee the clouds moved in and it started to actually rain. The bad weather kept us company over the pass, the low clouds softening the green ski slopes as we rode by.

The bad weather didn’t stick around

Almost home!

Hopefully I can add one or two more rides before I’m limited to trams and busses for the rest of the year.


  1. Erika says:

    Thank you, once again, for letting me live vicariously. One day I’d love to ride a motorcycle through Europe. You are living the good life. Breathe in the freedom and joy you are experiencing.

  2. Phil Ryburn says:

    That is so awesome! Germany is looking more and more beautiful to me than ever. I’m glad you got out for one last ride of the season!

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