Loire Valley – Easter in France (Mon)

April 13 – 18, 2022

Wed ** Thur ** Fri ** Sat ** Sun ** Mon

Map Link
Avallon – Basel

Homeward bound!

I feel bad not giving Avallon a better review. It does have some good things going for it, primarily its proximity to Morvan forest and all of the recreational beauty that is nearby. And our hosts were so generous and genuine, I would love for them to have more opportunities to rent rooms to those who come to visit and those guests to spark the economy of this historic place. We’d love to come back and stay with them again – maybe some day when I can speak French!

But for now, it was good to be heading home.

We packed up the bikes, profusely thanked our hosts, and retraced our route out of town: down from the ramparts and back onto the lovely French back roads.

An artistic design of metal anchor plates

French canals in the spring sunshine

One of these caught us at one point – always “fun” to get a memento of your holiday weeks after you’re home

Holiday traffic!

A different kind of jam

Riding back through Vesoul

It was a really uneventful ride home. The roads were all familiar to us as we were close to home and the Monday morning sunshine felt good. It had been good to “get out of Dodge” for more than a few days and it really opened our eyes to a place that deserves much more exploration.

* Post-Script: I feel really bad that it took me four months to finally finish this write up. And even worse that I didn’t take better notes. I feel like I managed to forget a lot of details, and I know that the maps aren’t accurate. I also don’t know if I really didn’t take that many photos, or did I lose some of them? I have images in my head and usually I have a photo to go with them. Overall, I feel like I let me – and you – down.