VW Bug

The time has come! After having this fun little car in my driveway for the last 16 years, our upcoming move to Switzerland means that she needs to find a new home. I am sad to see the car go, but there is no real alternative. Therefore, I present to you, my 1971 VW Bug, Jodi. Long live the memories, and the car.

There a few things to keep in mind with this car: this is a West Coast car. That means that it is in pretty good shape for a car over 40 years old. But being over 40 years old also means that this car isn’t going to win any beauty pageants. But she’s tough, and looks tough, and will get attention as you toodle down streets and forest roads.

I never used this car as a “daily driver” because I always had a motorcycle. However, I never hesitated to drive friends around in it or take it up into the mountains above Leavenworth. Would I drive it across the country? After an oil change, yes. 🙂 But I’d allow for a lot slower speeds, back roads and some enjoyable scenery.






And before the awesome paint job, she had a slightly less-awesome paint job:

Like I said, I have owned VW Bugs for most of my adult life. Here are a few from the “early years”


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